Sadad is a Qatari Platform to send/receive payment via online [store / Website / portal ] and mobile [applications]

Add Sadad Payment Gateway to your mobile app or website. Sadad is only one payment gateway whose provide secure payment via Credit(Visa and Master)/Debit(QPAY). Collect online and in-store payments from your customer using Debit/Credit Cards, and Sadad Balance.

Start Building with SADAD

SADAD Payment Gateway provides a secure, PCI-compliant way to accept Debit/Credit card, pay via sadad from your customers

  • Register as a Merchant in Sadad. You have to do upload Business related document. Request will go to the Sadad verification panel.
  • Once business document is verified then you can generate the secret key from Merchant panel.
  • You will get "Developer API" option in merchant panel.
  • Click on "Developer API", provide website domain then you will receive the Secret key.

Merchant panel Login page

You can do login using your merchant credential


Merchant panel dashboard

You will see "API" option in left side menu. From there Merchant can create the secret key.


Understanding account credentials

Account credentials are available in your API section for production environment. These credentials consist of -

  • MID (Merchant ID/SadadId) - This is a unique identifier provided to every merchant by SADAD. MID is part of your account credentials and MID is available in Dashboard. "SadadId" is your MID.
  • Secret Key - This is a unique secret key used for secure encryption of every request. This needs to be kept on server side and should not be shared with anyone. Secret key is availble in API section.

Fundamentals of collecting payments with Sadad:

  • Your customer clicks on a pay button in your mobile application
  • Customer is shown a checkout form where he fills his payment details and authorizes the payment
  • Based on the response received, you can display order status to customer
  • See a real-time summary of payments received and other insights in your dashboard
  • Receive payments collected from customers in your transaction history page.

Detailed Payment Flow Explained

Transaction Creation

When a transaction request is received at Sadad's server, there are multiple validations carried out like a valid source of request, structure of request, uniqueness of request etc. Once these validations are passed, a transaction is created.

Successful Transaction

Customer fills basic payment details to authorize the payment. Once the authorization is successful, money is debited from the customer's account or credit/debit card. This transaction is a successful transaction.

Failed Transaction

If the customer drops out from the payment process or in the event of payment authorization failure, money is not deducted from the customer's account. This is marked as failed transaction.

Overview of payment processing via SADAD Android/IOS SDK

  • At click of the pay button by customer, Authentication request will be sent from your server to our server.
  • Our server authenticate the request and provide the authToken to your server.
  • Once authToken received in app, then order related payload is passed to our server by the app
  • This order payload is used to generate checksumhash by our server side utility and authToken.
  • SDK verifies payload and displays payment sadad checkout page
  • Customer fills the payment details and completes the payment authentication. Once the payment is complete, response is posted back to your app via callback
  • Lastly, verify transaction status with Transaction Status API via server to server call. This protects you from scenarios where your account credentials are compromised or request/response has been tampered